- property Portfolio.dividend_yield
Calculate last twelve months (LTM) dividend yield time series for the portfolio. Time series has monthly values.
Portfolio dividend yield is a weighted sum of the assets dividend yields (adjusted to the portfolio base currency).
For an asset LTM dividend yield is the sum trailing twelve months of common dividends per share divided by the current price per share.
- Returns:
- Series
Portfolio LTM dividend yield monthly time series.
>>> pf = ok.Portfolio(['T.US', 'XOM.US'], weights=[0.8, 0.2], first_date='2010-01', last_date='2021-01', ccy='USD') >>> pf.dividend_yield 2010-01 0.013249 2010-02 0.014835 2010-03 0.014257 ... 2020-11 0.076132 2020-12 0.074743 2021-01 0.073643 Freq: M, Name: portfolio_8836.PF, Length: 133, dtype: float64
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> pf.dividend_yield.plot() >>> plt.show()