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To install the package:

[ ]:
!pip install okama

import okama and matplotlib packages …

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12.0, 6.0]

import okama as ok

AssetList has a set of methods usefull to track perfomance of index funds and compare them with benchmarks: - tracking difference - tracking error - beta - rolling and cumulative correlations

Tracking difference

Tracking diffrenece is calculated by measuring the difference between the accumulated return of an index and those of the ETFs replicating it.

Let’s compare main S&P500 ETFs.

symbols = [
]  # the benchmark symbol should be in the first place
sp = ok.AssetList(symbols, last_date="2022-04")
assets           [SP500TR.INDX, SPY.US, VOO.US, IVV.US]
currency                                            USD
first_date                                      2010-10
last_date                                       2022-04
period_length                        11 years, 7 months
inflation                                      USD.INFL
dtype: object
{'SP500TR.INDX': 'S&P 500 TR (Total Return)',
 'SPY.US': 'SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust',
 'VOO.US': 'Vanguard S&P 500 ETF',
 'IVV.US': 'iShares Core S&P 500 ETF'}

We can check the general tracking difference as a difference in their accumulated return.


… or see annualized values.

However above tracking difference includes 11 years of hisotrical data. Sometimes it’s useful to see the latest performance …
Use rolling tracking difference for that purpose:
sp.tracking_difference_annualized(rolling_window=5 * 12).plot()  # rolling window is 5 years
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='date'>

rolling_window parameter is also available in tracking_error(), index_beta() and index_correlation() functions.

Tracking Error

Tracking Error is the standard deviation of the difference between the ETF and index returns.


… or rolling tracking error:

sp.tracking_error(rolling_window=12 * 2).plot();


Another popular parameter for index funds is their beta.
The beta (β) of an asset (i.e. a stock) is a measurement of its volatility of returns relative to the entire market.
sp.index_beta().plot();  # in this example as expected beta is close to 1. Each ETF represents broad market in form of S&P 500 index

… we see here that all 3 funds have similar beta.

Rolling beta is also available:


Correlation with index

Sometimes it’s useful to check the correlation between different asset types.

In this example we verify the correlation:

  • US stocks (S&P 500 index)

  • US bonds (Vanguard mutual fund)

  • gold (spot prices)

  • US Real Estate (REIT ETF)

assets = ["SP500TR.INDX", "VBMFX.US", "GC.COMM", "VNQ.US"]  # GC.COMM - gold spot prices
x = ok.AssetList(assets)
assets           [SP500TR.INDX, VBMFX.US, GC.COMM, VNQ.US]
currency                                               USD
first_date                                         2004-10
last_date                                          2023-04
period_length                           18 years, 7 months
inflation                                         USD.INFL
dtype: object
{'SP500TR.INDX': 'S&P 500 TR (Total Return)',
 'GC.COMM': 'Gold (COMEX)',
 'VNQ.US': 'Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund ETF Shares'}
It is possible to see as the correlation was changing during the period.
.index_corr() calculates expanding or rolling correlation with the benchmark.
x.index_corr().plot();  # expanding correlation rolling_window = None
Sometimes it’s better to verify the rolling correlation with the benchmark (S&P 500 Total Return index).
Rolling period size is set with rolling_window attribute in months.
x.index_corr(rolling_window=12 * 5).plot();  # rolling window size is 5 years

It can be clearly seen that real estat ETF (VNQ) has higher correlation with stocks comparing with gold prices and bonds during this period.

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