- property Portfolio.assets_dividend_yield
Calculate last twelve months (LTM) dividend yield time series (monthly) for each asset.
LTM dividend yield is the sum trailing twelve months of common dividends per share divided by the current price per share.
All yields are calculated in the asset list base currency after adjusting the dividends and price time series. Forecasted (future) dividends are removed. Zero value time series are created for assets without dividends.
- Returns:
- DataFrame
Monthly time series of LTM dividend yield for each asset.
See also
Calendar year dividend yield time series.
Calendar year dividends time series.
Number of years of consecutive dividend payments.
Number of years when the annual dividend was growing.
Arithmetic mean for annual dividend yield.
Geometric mean of annual dividends growth rate.
>>> x = ok.AssetList(['T.US', 'XOM.US'], first_date='1984-01', last_date='1994-12') >>> x.dividend_yield T.US XOM.US 1984-01 0.000000 0.000000 1984-02 0.000000 0.002597 1984-03 0.002038 0.002589 1984-04 0.001961 0.002346 ... ... 1994-09 0.018165 0.012522 1994-10 0.018651 0.011451 1994-11 0.018876 0.012050 1994-12 0.019344 0.011975 [132 rows x 2 columns]