- PortfolioDCF.monte_carlo_survival_period(threshold=0)
Generate a survival period distribution for a portfolio with cash flows by Monte Carlo simulation.
Analyzing the result, finding “min”, “max” and percentiles it’s possible to see for how long will last the investment strategy - possible longevity period.
- Parameters:
- thresholdfloat, default 0
The percentage of the initial investments when the portfolio balance considered voided. This parameter is important to use in cash flow strategies with a fixed whtdrawal percentage (PercentageStrategy).
- Returns:
- Series
Survival period distribution for a portfolio with cash flows.
>>> pf = ok.Portfolio(['SPY.US', 'AGG.US', 'GLD.US'], weights=[.60, .35, .05]) >>> # set Monte Carlos parameters >>> pf.dcf.set_mc_parameters( ... distribution="t", # use Student's distribution (t-distribution) ... period=50, # make forecast for 50 years ... number=200 # create 200 randow wealth indexes ... ) >>> # Set Cash Flow parameters >>> pc = ok.PercentageStrategy(pf) # create PercentageStrategy linked to the portfolio >>> pc.initial_investment = 10_000 # add initial investments size >>> pc.frequency = "year" # set cash flow frequency >>> pc.percentage = -0.20 # set withdrawal percentage >>> # Assign the strategy to Portfolio >>> pf.dcf.cashflow_parameters = pc >>> s = pf.dcf.monte_carlo_survival_period(threshold=0.10) # the balance is considered voided at 10% >>> s.min() np.float64(10.5) >>> s.max() np.float64(33.5) >>> s.mean() np.float64(17.9055) >>> s.quantile(50 / 100) np.float64(17.5)