
PortfolioDCF.find_the_largest_withdrawals_size(withdrawal_steps, confidence_level, goal, threshold=0, target_survival_period=25)

Find the largest withdrawals size for Monte Carlo simulation according to Cashflow Strategy.

It’s possible to find the largest withdrawl with 2 kind of goals:

— ‘maintain_balance’ to keep the purchasing power of the invesments after inflation

for the whole period defined in Monte Carlo parameteres.

— ‘survival_period’ to keep positive balance for a period defined by ‘target_survival_period’.

The method works with IndexationStrategy and PercentageStrategy only.

The withdrawal size defined in cash flow strategy must be negative.


The number of intermediate steps during the iteration of values fom maximum to minimum of the withdrawal size. The withdrawal size varies from 100% of the initial investment to zero.


Confidence level must be form 0 to 1. Confidence level defines the percentile of Monte Carlo time series. 0.01 or 0.05 are the examples of “bad” scenarios. 0.50 is mediane (50% percentile). 0.95 or 0.99 are optimiststic scenarios.

goal{‘maintain_balance’, ‘survival_period’}

‘maintain_balance’ - the goal is to keep the purchasing power of the invesments after inflation for the whole period defined in Monte Carlo parameteres. ‘survival_period’ - the goal is to keep positive balance for a period defined by ‘target_survival_period’.

thresholdfloat, default 0

The percentage of initial investments when the portfolio balance is considered voided. Important for the “fixed_percentage” Cash flow strategy.

target_survival_period: int, default 25

The smallest acceptable survival period. It wokrs with the ‘survival_period’ goal only.


the largest withdrawals size according to Cashflow Strategy.


>>> pf = ok.Portfolio(
 ...       assets=["MCFTR.INDX", "RUCBTRNS.INDX"],
 ...       weights=[.3, .7],
 ...       inflation=True,
 ...       ccy="RUB",
 ...       rebalancing_period="year",
 ...   )
>>> # Fixed Percentage strategy
>>> pc = ok.PercentageStrategy(pf)
>>> pc.initial_investment = 10_000
>>> pc.frequency = "year"
>>> # Assign a strategy
>>> pf.dcf.cashflow_parameters = pc
>>> # Set Monte Carlo parameters
>>> pf.dcf.set_mc_parameters(
...    distribution="norm",
...    period=50,
...    number=200
>>> pf.dcf.find_the_largest_withdrawals_size(
...    withdrawal_steps=30,
...    confidence_level=0.50,
...    goal="survival_period",
...    threshold=0.05,
...    target_survival_period=25