
Inflation.describe(years=(1, 5, 10))

Generate descriptive inflation statistics for YTD and a given list of periods. Statistics includes: - YTD compound inflation - Annual inflation (geometric mean) for a given list of periods - max 12 months inflation for the periods - Annual inflation (geometric mean) for the whole history

yearstuple of (int,), default (1, 5, 10)

List of periods in years for the Inflation.


Table of descriptive statistics for Inflation.


>>> infl = ok.Inflation('USD.INFL', last_date='2022-04')
>>> infl.describe(years=(1, 15, 50))
         property               period    USD.INFL
0      compound inflation                  YTD    0.036987
1   1000 purchasing power                  YTD  964.332475
2        annual inflation              1 years    0.082611
3      compound inflation              1 years    0.082611
4       max 12m inflation              2022-03    0.085410
5   1000 purchasing power              1 years  923.692547
6        annual inflation             15 years    0.022632
7      compound inflation             15 years    0.398916
8       max 12m inflation              2022-03    0.085410
9   1000 purchasing power             15 years  714.839226
10       annual inflation             50 years    0.039595
11     compound inflation             50 years    5.969612
12      max 12m inflation              1980-03    0.147383
13  1000 purchasing power             50 years  143.480004
14       annual inflation  109 years, 3 months    0.031470
15     compound inflation  109 years, 3 months   28.519646
16      max 12m inflation              1920-06    0.236888
17  1000 purchasing power  109 years, 3 months   33.875745