- property TimeSeriesStrategy.time_series_dic
Cash flow time series in form of dictionary.
Negative number corresponds to withdrawals, positive number corresponds to contributions.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> pf = ok.Portfolio(first_date="2015-01", last_date="2024-10") # create Portfolio with default parameters >>> # create simple dictionary with cash flow amounts and dates >>> d = {"2018-02": 2_000, "2024-03": -4_000} >>> ts = ok.TimeSeriesStrategy(pf) # create TimeSeresStrategy linked to the portfolio >>> ts.time_series_dic = d # use the dictionary to set cash flow >>> ts.initial_investment = 1_000 # add initial investments size (optional) >>> # Assign the strategy to Portfolio >>> pf.dcf.cashflow_parameters = ts >>> # Plot wealth index with cash flow >>> pf.dcf.wealth_index.plot() >>> plt.show()